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Our 2023 graduates were accepted to 98 different universities and received R19.5M+ in scholarship offers.

Our High School offers 62 courses each year. Each year students take courses in the five core areas: English, science, social studies, math, and foreign language. In addition, they take three electives which include a balance of variety and focus areas.

Students are assessed regularly throughout each semester. Students complete a summative assessment at the end of each semester. These assessments may take the form of an examination or a project/presentation.

The High School operates on a block schedule model. Students have individualized schedules that include the core classes as well as electives.

Communitas 08h00–08h15
Block 1/5 08h20–09h40
Block 2/6 09h50–11h10
Lunch 11h10–12h05
Block 3/7 12h05–13h25
Block 4/8 13h30–14h50

Block 1/5 08h00–08h45
Block 2/6 08h50–09h35
Block 3/7 09h40–10h25
Block 4/8 10h30–11h15
Lunch 11h15–12h05
Communitas 12h05–12h55
Flexi Friday 12h55–13h45

High School Learning Areas


The Science program is grounded in the Next Generation Science Standards.  All grade 9 students take Integrated Science which includes units on Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Environmental Science. In grades 10-12, students have options to take courses of Integrated Science II, Adv. Biology, Adv. Chemistry, Adv. Physics, and Adv. Environmental Studies. These courses prepare students for AP level courses. All courses extend the emphasis of science beyond the classroom and ask students to think about real world problems and scientific solutions.


All students are required to take 3 credits of Foreign Language during their 4 year High School career. At AISCT, we offer courses in French and Spanish at the Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced and AP level. The primary goal of the FL program is to build on students’ grammatical and vocabulary knowledge and places an emphasis on meaningful communication. By the end of the Advanced level, we expect students to be able to communicate easily in a range of situations, respond to authentic written and spoken materials and be able to understand and appreciate works of literature in the target language. As an international school, the cultural component of our FL courses is highly emphasized as students are exposed to the different elements of culture related to the French and Spanish speaking worlds.


English courses at the High School level are primarily literature based. Students will read a variety of “classics”, exploring themes, language and characters that tie each piece together. The goal of the program, broadly defined, is to make each student a discerning reader, a purposeful writer, and a critical and high-level thinker. Each course features literature from around the world with a specific focus on Africa.  The grade 9 English program is thematically integrated with grade 9 Social Studies and Science. Students in grade 10 all take AP Seminar as a foundational course for the AP program in grades 11-12. World Literature, AP Language & Composition and AP Literature & Composition are offered to students in Grades 11 and 12.


The Math Program follows the US structure and paces students through separate courses of Algebra I (most students will have completed Algebra I in grade 8), Geometry, Algebra II and Precalculus, ending with AP Calculus or AP Statistics for those who wish to take math at the college level. By the end of Precalculus, we expect students to have a sound understanding of algebraic, geometric and trigonometric principles and techniques, as well as a deep understanding of the fundamental concepts and relationships of functions. The underlying goal of the program is to develop critical thinkers and problem solvers who can apply their mathematical understandings to real world situations.


In Social Studies, all grade 9 students take Human Geography. This course is integrated with the grade 9 English and Integrated Science courses around common themes. Grade 10 students study World Civilizations. These courses prepare students for courses in Economics, US History and the AP Psychology, AP European History, and AP Comparative Governments and Politics courses. Courses focus on developing a knowledge and understanding of historical, political, cultural, geographical, and economic differences, as well as analyzing and interpreting primary and secondary sources and other historical data.


The PE program focuses on developing physically literate students. The program develops students’ motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge, and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life. High School students continue to engage in a variety of physical activities including sports, exercise and leisure activities. In the Health component of the course, students look deeper into what constitutes healthy living and study units on ‘teen-focused’ topics such as nutrition, exercise, stress, alcohol abuse and drug awareness. At this stage students learn more about the theoretical principles of health and fitness, and are expected to be able to apply them practically and independently.


Some electives are offered every year and some rotate based on student interest.

ART & DESIGN is AISCT’s visual arts course. This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to develop artistic perceptions, creative expression and aesthetics of art as well as developing their ability to make the connections between art and other aspects of life. Students will have the opportunity to develop themes of work according to their ability levels. Units and themes are designed to teach and review art skills and vocabulary and include some exposure to relevant art history. There is a strong emphasis on the process of creative thinking and expression (rather than focusing only on the finished product).

ASTRONOMY is an elective course which provides an introduction to this fascinating and challenging field of science. Students will learn the basic elements of our Universe from the constituent parts of our own solar system to the nearby galaxy and extragalactic cosmos. The course also presents students with the challenge of translating difficult topics for themselves and their peers as the topics covered provide an excellent opportunity for students become experts and ambassadors for an often misunderstood field. The South African skies provide a multitude of stargazing opportunities and Astronomy students are invited to participate in the annual Astronomy 3-day field trip to SALT (the Southern African LargeTelescope) in Sutherland which boasts some of the best stargazing in the world.

BUSINESS STUDIES is a one-year elective course which is designed to provide students with an introduction and general overview of entrepreneurism and basic principles within business. It will also encourage an entrepreneurial mindset so that students can succeed in their chosen career path. The course includes both theoretical and practical activities to get students thinking like an entrepreneur.

DANCE encourages students to explore and discover dance forms from various cultures/countries and will enable students to express themselves through a non-verbal means of communication. The course is primarily performance based but does include some theoretical units about cultural dance styles and researching choreographers. The High School Dance course helps students develop a comprehensive understanding of dance as they learn, analyze and create their own dance pieces. Students are expected to work together on productions and reflect on their own performances and experiences.

INNOVATION, DESIGN, AND TECHNOLOGY (IDT) aims to achieve a high level of design literacy by enabling students to develop critical-thinking and design skills, which they can apply in a practical context. Students are encouraged to look for solutions to everyday problems while applying the 21st Century skills of creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking.

MARIMBA is one of our most popular High School electives. It introduces students to the sounds and histories of this iconic African instrument. At the end of one year in the Marimba Music elective students will be able to read notated music, be able to focus on a selected section of a music part as part of an immediate larger whole performance, be able to focus on directing the ‘live’ performance and obtain a more thorough understanding of songwriting/song construction and what it takes (in terms of weekly practicing and mental preparation) to create a successful ‘live’ public performance.

GLOBAL ISSUES is an elective that combines classroom instruction with meaningful discussion and service to enrich students’ learning experience, teach civic responsibility and strengthen both the communities we live in and the broader global community. By linking classroom discussion and learning with meaningful action, students are able to develop a stronger understanding of local and global issues, engage and address needs within their communities and explore ways that they can make a difference locally, nationally and globally.

GLEE focuses on singing in ensemble/solo/duos as well as participating in choreographed numbers. The main aim is to create rounded performers who showcase their talents in numerous live public performances throughout the year.

PUBLICATIONS/SOCIAL MEDIA provides students with marketable experience in print and digital media publishing. Students gain, develop, and master skills in multiple areas of the media creation process. A key objective of this course is to assist with the marketing of AISCT.

PERSONAL FITNESS allows students to work on a specific and personalized health and fitness goal. This will run in a project-based format and includes the design and development of a personal physical fitness goal and action plan, incorporating good personal wellness habits.

INDEPENDENT PROJECT elective is designed to allow students to directly embed the school’s mission and vision in their learning. In this course students’ will identify a project of personal interest and design their pathway to successfully meeting a self-identified goal.

PERSONAL SKILLS FOR LIFE uses the framework of CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning) which “enhances students’ capacity to integrate skills, attitudes, and behaviors to deal effectively and ethically with daily tasks and challenges. Students in this course will learn to integrate social-emotional learning into academic content and learning structures.

MODEL UNITED NATIONS (MUN) encourages critical thinking and develops an international awareness of global issues facing today’s society. This debating class simulates the real procedures and protocols of the United Nations and students act as both delegates and chairs of the various UN councils. MUN students are invited to participate in two annual conferences (one national and one international). They are also responsible for the planning and management of their own MiniMUN conference for our Middle School students every December.

FORENSIC SCIENCE is rich in exploration and lab investigation which applies many disciplines of scientific study such as biology/anatomy, chemistry, and physics to solving crimes. This elective is designed to build upon science concepts from previous courses and apply science to the investigation of crime scenes.

THEATRE ARTS is an elective course that introduces students to a wide range of disciplines in theatre by means of practical application. The course is designed to give students practical experience in many aspects of theatre including performance, set and costumes, marketing, directing and theory. There are two Theatre Arts public performances per annum (one per semester) and students are heavily involved in the planning, marketing and managing of these productions (in addition to their performance roles). There is a strong emphasis on teamwork and collaboration as well as theatrical technique.

AP Program

AISCT currently offers 22 AP courses to 10th, 11th, and 12th graders in the following subject areas: English Language & Composition, English Literature & Composition, Calculus AB, Statistics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics I, Environmental Science, Psychology, US History, European History, Comparative Government & Politics, Economics, French Language & Culture, Spanish Language & Culture, Studio Art (Drawing and 2-D Design) and the AP Capstone Diploma program classes of Seminar and Research.

Most courses are offered every year although some courses rotate depending on student interest..

For more information

High School Course Guide

Click to access the High School Course Guide for information about graduation requirements, grading scales, and course offerings. This live document is updated annually, or as course offerings change.

Online Study Opportunities

The AISCT course offering is designed to offer a wide range of choice based on student ability and interest. We accept however, that there are limits to what we can offer in-house for our students. In the event that a student wishes to follow a course that we do not offer, we invite students to supplement their AISCT courses with online study. We currently work with the Virtual High School Collaborative and K12 International Online.

Graduation Requirements

AISCT runs on a US credit-based system with a WASC-accredited USA high school diploma as its exit qualification. A specified number of credits must be earned in each discipline in order for a Grade 12 student to be eligible to graduate from our program. One year-long course equals one credit. Graduation requirements also include a commitment to a service project, partici­pation in Innovation Term, and the successful completion of the senior Impact project.

Counseling Program, University Guidance & Acceptance

The High School counselor at AISCT provides counseling support to the upper school and university guidance to the high school students. Our graduates apply predominantly to colleges/universities in the USA and Canada, but we also have a number of applications to the UK, European, and South African universities. We are a registered center for both Common App and UCAS application processes.

After-school Activities

AISCT offers a wide range of after-school sports and activities for students as part of its extracurricular program. At the High School level, we have boys’ and girls’ soccer, basketball, cross country and swim teams who compete in local school leagues/meets/galas. Other extracurricular programs include competitive sports, art programs, social justice, technology, yearbook, and leadership activities such as Model United Nations (MUN). In addition, private activities such as music, drama, dance, and Ubuntu Soccer are available.

AISCT is a recognised examination center for the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts (LAMDA), which is a world-leading, globally-recognised, awarding body for acting. Students are coached privately and assessed annually on campus in October by visiting LAMDA examiners. Students who qualify for the grades 6, 7, and 8 LAMDA exams can qualify for UCAS points which can be used when applying to universities. The course is a great way to develop communication skills and confidence. Classes are offered to students in grades 3-12.